The "via degli dei"
The Via degli Dei is a very popular path that connects Bologna with Florence crossing the Apennines and the Mugello valley. The growing popularity of the path has made it possible for many people to open their own hospitality, and there are all kinds of places for all kinds of budgets. Choose wisely and beware of those places that are not highly recommended.
Il Passeggere is found along the way and is considered by many, even by the author of one of the most used guides (albeit not officially for impartiality), as the most beautiful place and the best restaurant to stop on the Via degli Dei. In many points it follows the road known as the Flaminia Militare discovered in the 70s by the two Bolognese enthusiasts Franco Santi and Cesare Agostini (http://www.flaminiamilitare.it/Home.html), who found support at the Passeggere during some excavations (the farm wasn't there yet but only the hunting reserve).
Via degli Dei crosses our property from before the Piana degli Ossi up to the Banditacce, the highest peak with about 1200 m/asl, on the CAI 019 path. The agritourism can be reached by taking the path that from the Passetto del Passeggere (a crossroads since ancient times) descends between two fences towards the Sanctuary of Bocca di Rio on the path CAI 017 for 600 meters with 100 meters in altitude.
Important for those who are about to book a room: those who stop at il Passeggere usually leave from Monzuno and the next day head towards San Piero a Sieve (you can stop earlier around Sant'Agata or reach Tagliaferro). If you need sandwiches for the road, let us know during dinner, so they will be ready to be picked up at breakfast.
There are no traces of Roman pavement on our property, but the area is listed as archaeological park due to the presence of the Piana degli Ossi. The name derives from the fact that the white lime that emerges in the area was mistaken for bones in ancient times. In reality, in this plain located right on the ridge there were kilns for the production of lime.
The Passetto del Passeggere, as already written, was always considered an important crossroads. At the top of the Banditacce during the Second World War the Germans had fortified the ridge with dug trenches, which are no longer visible today. Camping without authorization is not permitted in the hunting reserve, nor is the lighting of fires.